very good effects and background noise sounds
very good effects and background noise sounds
excellent futuristic atmosphere
reminds me of the opening of an anime, excellent sound continues to make music
Heyya!! Thanks for enjoy my audio <3
Hi, I like this song, I'm looking for musicians to collaborate, would you be interested in participating? my idea is to make lyrics and voices for some song that we do together
Hi, I liked your song, would you like to collaborate with me to make a song? I can make the lyrics and put a voice to it, if you like the idea send me a message
amazing! for a tv program where presents the new hardware xp 5000 with multiplayer jugability extensible and improved sistem resistant to bullets!!!!
Thanks for the tips! I will surely keep in mind in future tracks!
let's party begin!! This is my favorite, I would like a lot u release an album, still working!
u got a great sound in this, and the voices are cutie hhehehehe
good man! very well, this is soft danceable!
sounds good, literally this is your own style, very good work man! intoxicate intoxicate! that's catchy!
pretty good! very well, so bahian... like an ancient story about birds and beachs.
Too like a soft videogame, I love the intro! all track is good!
still working!
Age 25
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Joined on 12/18/17